Monday, June 8, 2009

Wikis/ Web-Site Reflection

Hey all! I really enjoyed learning about wikis in class the last few days. I think they are a really useful tool to use in the classroom, especially while having kids do group activities, such as a group project/presentation. This way the kids can add/change what they may be researching or presenting, etc. As a foreign language teacher, I like the idea of doing something similar to the camping idea that we saw in the video, but have the students do so in the target language. However, due to the area I teach in, I would need to set up computer time for the kids to do this, as not all have computer access at home.

Reflection of web-site activity:
I thought this was a very interesting activity, because it is critical as educators to check and make sure the information presented on the Internet is reliable and that the publisher of the web-site is legitimate. Before we can recommend sites to our students we must make sure everything is correct and that the site is not misleading or giving false information. This activity really helped me in identifying the types of things I need to look for when trying to find a website for my students to go to.

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